Wednesday, November 1, 2017

A New Era!

Family it has been a long time! Well this the official relaunch of the Life Flow Wellness blog (brought to you in cooperation with The Man Project).This space is still dedicated to the community and a holistic way of life. We are really focusing on community efforts here. Stay tuned as we bring you info about local food co-ops, local farming, urban farms, healthy recipes, and great work out tips!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Regaining momentum

It has been a minute since I last wrote an entry on here. Sorry it took so long! A lot of changes have been occurring in the forefront but encouraging people is still the main focus. A week ago a the unthinkable happened in my family. My mother departed this life on last Monday June 30, 2014. Now for most people this would probably be devastating, but for some reason this has given me an extra boost of "get up and go"! My mom had various health issues and she had her ups and downs as a result. She never ceased to not live a full life! I believe my mom finished this life well!

With that being said, I am back on my mission to encourage people to get back on track to what it is you want to achieve! Don't sit back and wait anyone to give you permission! Get up and get after those goals! There is no better time than the present to begin to achieve the life that you want!

Taking charge of your health should be a  part of your everyday maintenance just like taking a shower and brushing your teeth! I plan on sharing various tips on a daily or weekly basis to keep us all accountable for taking charge of our lives! So be encouraged for I am encouraged by all the potential I see all around!!!!

Friday, January 17, 2014


Being on a journey comes with a lot of ups and downs. Since starting BodyBeast on the second round, a lot of things have slowed me from progressing as far and as fast as I want to go. I made up in my mind that I would push through these three months with no interference from the outside.

What I have come to understand is that on a journey of any kind you phases of progression. Those different phases all look different but the key to getting through is staying focused on your goal. While other things may go on around my world I have to keep in mind that I have set to accomplish something and that keeps me in the process and keeps me on the road to progress!!!