Monday, January 28, 2013

Workout Regimen

I know everyone has had that feeling at least once, the one that you get when all you want to do is just drag around and do nothing. Well I can't speak for all but I know I have and it mostly came from me not working out or drinking enough water. Believe it or not these two things make a difference in how you feel. Your body was  created move and use kinetic energy.  Getting a workout regiment together doesn't have to be daunting task. Doing something as simple as walking, jogging, or yoga will get you going. While you are contemplating on what will fit you best drink up that H2O! The next few entries will be dedicated to some ideas on getting a regiment or exercise routine together.

Salute to Health and Wellness

Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Elements!

Hello Health and Wellness world! Just got back in from a morning run in the cold! I must say that I love working out in the elements! Nature provides for some good surroundings to be productive in. Most people are afraid to get out in the cold and make something happen. The trick to not getting cold is to not think about it. Once you get going your body won't even notice it! Make sure you wrap up if the weather is not favorable in your community. Until next time keep striving for community and Supreme Health!!

Salute to Health and Wellness!!!

Monday, January 14, 2013

What Kind of Legacy Are You Leaving Behind?

After thinking about what it means to leave a legacy behind it lead me to thinking you have to build something in order to leave something behind. A lot of people don't think about this in this context. Whether you are leaving a trust fund or property behind you have to build something to leave. 

When it comes to our health and wellness this can be looked at the same way. A lot of families have been living with generations of health ailments such as diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, cancer,etc.... We have to begin to break these cycles of sickness and promote legacies of wellness! Our communities have been plagued with illnesses so long that we begin to accept it as the norm. You can almost bet that anyone you can have a conversation with in your community has one of the aforementioned or are linked to someone who is. 

We have to begin to educate the masses on healthy eating, exercise, wellness, and rest. These elements are the arc of life sustainability in the natural. So its only natural that you put the right things into your body( fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole foods, and water). I don't know how much it can be stressed that your body is a temple and should be treated as such!!! Educate yourself, your family, and your community so you can leave behind a legacy of health and wellness!!!

Salute In Health and Wellness

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Ever wondered what it feels like to be whole or complete? I believe we all do at some point in time. This is a thought that has passed through my mind at a time or two.To be whole is to have all parts of your body functioning at optimum capacity. That means your mind, body, spirit and physical are all operating at the ideal maximum levels. That's right this is possible! Now for this to be possible you have to make sure you are focused what it takes to be whole. That en tales putting the right foods into your body, being rightfully connected to the Divine, building whole relationships, and getting good physical exercise. Reading a good book or enlightening manuscripts along with intelligent dialogue help the mind grow too!

Salute to Health and Wellness,
From the Life Flow Wellness Community!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Year Check In

Hello wellness world!!! This is a check in to make sure everyone is up and moving! I hope everyone is getting the much needed exercise that the temple (body) requires. If you are not into the HIIT workouts (High Intensity Interval Training) you can do a few of the following: Walking for 30 minutes, Jogging (on treadmill or outside), Calisthenics using your own body weight, or yoga. Whatever you choose to do get up and moving! The body wasn't designed to sit still. Think about this, if you let a car sit up for a while, not cranking it or anything, the battery will die. Virtually every part of the car begins to rust away. Your body is the same way. If you don't give your muscles and your brain work they will gradually being to rust away like the parts on a car. So get up and get to moving!!!

Salute in Health and Wellness

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Life vs Lifestyle

It seems that a lot of people confuse what it means to have a life as opposed to a lifestyle. The two in general conversation sound almost exactly the same, but they are totally different!
Let's start with what it means to have a life. Life is a characteristic that distinguishes objects that have self-sustaining processes from those that do not. Now with that being said life is about investing in those things that have "value". Life is something that is designed to continue on from one form to the other. You can choose how you live your life but know that life always involves the investment factor!

Now let's get into the lifestyle conversation. So we don't go wrong.on the content let me just say that term lifestyle is not a bad term. However, we get this term mixed up a lot. Lifestyle is portion of your life that you choose to live at particular moments. Lifestyles often involve material things, health and fitness adjustments, and other arrangements.

So you see life often encompasses lifestyle. To say that you are pursuing a holistic lifestyle is to say that you are pursuing life!!!

Salute from the Life Flow Wellness Community!!!